Some of the churches in our programme ganged together to nominate Jean for a Church Times Green Award, and she won it! Here’s what it means for us.
Tag: programme
Programme update
We’re still taking groups on our current programme, but we’re also thinking about some different formats that might suit groups in special situations.
What have our groups achieved?
The Scottish Episcopal Church is gathering to talk about many things this week, including their Net Zero plans. So we’re reflecting on what their groups achieved when they took on our programme.
Programme improvements
Our improved guide book now has everything in one place – great for those thinking about participating as well as those already involved.
Scottish Episcopal Church webinar
We are holding a webinar with the Scottish Episcopal Church about their new HeatHack-based Net Zero Workshops – Wednesday, 4 October at 7 pm. If you can’t make it, just get in touch!
The four sessions
What are HeatHack sessions like? Here’s what groups do in each one.
Setting a green choices policy
One of our early groups has asked us if we have any model policies for making choices based on payback periods, running costs, and the like. We don’t, but we have some suggestions and are asking around.
Posting the game
Our card game is ready to post, and the website explaining the cards is online now, too.
First sessions running – are you next?
We’re extremely proud to say that our first set of engineers and group leaders have been trained, and we’re getting reports that they’re doing their first sessions! Temperature and Relative Humidity sensors have been dispatched, session materials have been distributed and our games for session two are being printed as I type. It’s difficult to […]
How to run sessions
We’ve trained our first group leaders and engineers, and they are ready to run sessions. If you’re curious to see more detail of what the sessions contain, you can find the session schedules and supporting materials here: Materials – HeatHack We’re still finishing off some elements of it, but they’ll be done in time for […]