
Becoming independent

Now that we’ve proved our basic concept works, Surefoot says it’s time for us to become an independent organisation. We have some decisions to make, especially about our mission and whether to be guided by a membership.


Helensburgh Workshop

On Saturday, we were privileged to be asked by the Argyll and Bute Climate Action Network to run a face-to-face HeatHack workshop. Here’s what went on.


Church Times Green Champion Award

Some of the churches in our programme ganged together to nominate Jean for a Church Times Green Award, and she won it! Here’s what it means for us.


We’re working on heating controls

This heating season, we’ll be working with five listed churches in Glasgow on a special project that will help them check their heating controls, but also help us improve our advice for everyone. We’re very grateful to the Glasgow City Heritage Trust for the support that lets us take this work on.


Thermal monitoring gets easier

Our groups tell us the thermal monitors really help them know what to do, but they’re too hard to use. Here’s what we’re doing about it.


Programme update

We’re still taking groups on our current programme, but we’re also thinking about some different formats that might suit groups in special situations.


What have our groups achieved?

The Scottish Episcopal Church is gathering to talk about many things this week, including their Net Zero plans. So we’re reflecting on what their groups achieved when they took on our programme.


Radiant chandeliers

This week, Jack Nevin, Net Zero Innovation Coordinator for the Scottish Episcopal Church, visited St Chad’s Bradford to attend a demonstration of the new Herschel ‘Halo’ Infrared Heater system. On this visit, Jack observed the effectiveness and sensitivity of this emerging heat system in a church environment. 


Saving gas through better heating controls

If your community building’s heating controls are a bit short on energy efficiency features, part of what we do in HeatHack is meant for you. Read about how past groups have curbed their fuel use. We give help in our online guide and have a special event in Edinburgh to get you started.


Programme improvements

Our improved guide book now has everything in one place – great for those thinking about participating as well as those already involved.