
Programme Overview

We’ve had a lot of questions about the content of the training and of the four main sessions of the programme. This post will cover the training for Group Leaders and the four sessions themselves. Each of the four sessions will last two hours and you will be provided with detailed session plans describing how […]


A game, sort of 

It’s important in our group sessions that everyone participates.  Games are a very common way to make activities more engaging and ensure this happens. For our second session, we’ve devised a sort of a game. There’s no winners and no losers, and no real sense of knowing how the group has done, but it has cards […]


Sensor Accuracy

We use inexpensive DHT22 temperature and relative humidity sensors, so we don’t assume they are reliable. Instead we compare them with each other and with the most common off-the-shelf devices we see in use, Lascar EL-WIN-USB loggers. Our Lascars claim accuracy of 2.25%RH in the range 20-80% RH. Years back, we had some engineering students […]


Maryhill seeks engineer

“We believe our faith needs to be lived out in our actions and so we are always looking for new ways to open our buildings to serve the community and welcome community groups. However, we are also conscious of our duty to care for the environment and so we are looking to discover how to […]


A welcome to Eco-Congregations

Last night we spoke to Eco-Congregation Scotland members about our programme. Eco-Congregation has been very supportive of what we do because it complements and deepens what they are themselves able to offer. For those who were unable to make it, here are the slides we used. HeatHack presentation for Eco-Congregation Scotland, 16 August 2022


Covid ventilation measures

We’re having many conversations with community groups as we match them to engineers, and some of them have raised an issue to do with Covid. They know that more ventilation means more heat loss, and that draughts make people much less comfortable. They don’t want to risk anyone’s health, so they are asking what the […]



Many of our volunteer engineers have told us they want to connect with each other. Sometimes they just want to meet others with the same interests, but they also want to provide each other with peer support. A fair few have specialist knowledge or skills that will help us develop the programme further. Connection will help […]


Electricity monitoring

One of our community groups has already asked us about electricity monitoring. This is something we’ve done in the past using equipment that utility companies were giving out for free about ten years ago. We don’t have many monitors – although they are still available from dusty cupboards everywhere, and sometimes, rather expensively, on ebay. […]


Reading materials

We’ve been thinking about what reading materials to provide to the groups and engineers involved in the programme. There are lots of resources available on-line. We don’t want to reinvent the wheel, but they are scattered, and many of them assume too much background knowledge in how buildings work. We’ve been writing basic material that […]


The site survey

We’re currently working on writing up the materials that groups will use during their sessions. Each week, there are some concepts to think about and some kind of practical activity. Some of the activities have the groups conduct a simplified site survey that will help them understand their heating systems and understand what professionals need […]