We are happy to provide workshops and webinars for representatives from community organisations with premises that introduce our programme and explain where the big energy wastes are in buildings and realistic actions to address them. In some areas, these are arranged by the local climate action network in collaboration with the local Council.

The exact contents depend on who is expected to attend. For instance, the workshops can bring in extra material about listed buildings, damp, buildings in low occupancy, community asset transfers, and so on, as required. We recommend these workshops be for 6-12 people from a range of organisations as that provides the best interaction, with plenty of time for everyone to get specific questions answered – but can do them in any size required. We can also provide online webinars for large groups including a Q&A.
- Workshop fact sheet for boards deciding whether to book one
- HeatHack background flyer, also for boards
- Advertising materials you can use to recruit attendees
We charge a modest fee for workshops and webinars even though at present they are provided by a volunteer, as we rely on this income to underwrite our core costs.