From Swansea to Edinburgh, our volunteers have come to the next exciting training session. Well, they will be logging onto Zoom, but we’re still excited!
If anyone is unfamiliar with how our programme works, we pair volunteers from a community venue with a local volunteer engineer, and then one volunteer from the venue gets some training from us. We want to equip this “group leader” with the skills required to facilitate four group learning sessions which are built around optimising the venue’s existing heating and insulation for the actual needs of the community that uses the space. We introduce them to our in-house built temperature and relative humidity monitors, as well as games and activities that are designed to engage all of the volunteers in conversation about improvements they can make.
We’re running training for group leaders this evening (22/11) and for engineers tomorrow evening (23/11); if you want to join in, we are aiming to run our next training sessions early in the new year, and we’d love to have you. Email for more information on how to sign up.